Calvary Baptist Church of Waterbury, CT

Whom Shall I Fear - Psalm 27

Mar 13, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

It is easy to become fearful in this dark and uncertain world. We have gone from CoVid, to the threat of War, to global sanctions that threaten higher inflation, run away fuel prices, food price hikes and product shortages. We watch the news about the war in Ukraine and the sabre rattling of Iran, North Korea and China and hear the threatens of nuclear war and can’t sleep.
We think about our family and wonder how much more can we handle. Worst of all is the unknown. What will tomorrow hold? When will the comforts of yesterday and normality of the past return? Will they ever return?
Now we are not alone. These things are not new. Our Psalmist was familiar with similar trouble. Spiritual darkness has been with us since the fall. All the horrible things that can be found in this sin-broken world such as pride, greed, violence, cruelty, poverty, and wickedness existed even in King David’s day.
My prayer for you is that this message will
•Encourage you to pause long enough to look up rather than continually looking at the chaos that you cannot control. Look to the One who is in Control.
•That you will find God’s peace and confidence
•That regardless your issue you will wait on the Lord and be of good courage.