Who We Are

What to Expect

Expect a friendly grace-filled culture where Jesus Christ is the center of worship.  We’re here because of Christ.

Expect to find people seeking an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.  We are not here seeking to be “more religious.”  Religious systems have let a lot of people down.  We’re not here to give you another system but rather move you to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Expect to find imperfect people.  None of us at Calvary “have it all together.”  We are all struggling.  We are all at different levels of growth in our walk with Christ.  So don’t worry about having to “measure up” or “fit in.” We’re here to learn of God’s mercy and to grow in and through His sanctifying grace.

Expect to find meaningful worship and a practical Bible message.  Our goal is to worship, not entertain.  Our music blends the old and the new in a meaningfully way.  Our messages are both biblical and practical and are designed to aid the hearer in their journey through life. Click here to hear a recent message.

Expect to be encouraged and impacted for the better.  We are here to love and encourage you in your walk with Christ.  It does not matter where you are coming from, or the decisions you face.  It does not matter whether you never attended a church before or you have a long history of church attendance. God’s Word has something for you. His grace is able to meet you where you are.

So come and join us and experience grace in action, and the hope that God offers through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Who We Are...

Calvary Baptist Church of Waterbury, Connecticut is a non-denominational, independent baptist church. We uphold the biblical doctrines of the faith, such as the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious atonement for our sins, His literal, physical resurrection from the dead, His ascension into heaven, the inspiration, inerrancy and supreme authority of the Bible.

By the terms non-denominational and independent, we mean we do not belong to a denomination where there are bishops or elders presiding regionally or nationally over our local assembly. We are independent from any ecclesiastical control from outside the local assembly.

This does not mean we are isolated from all groups. We regularly worship with other assemblies of like faith and practice. Our local worship is reflective of a larger worship community, which includes other local churches, Christian schools, camps, mission agencies, Bible colleges and universities and pastors fellowships.


How Should I Dress?

Calvary has no dress code for its members or guests.  On Sunday morning services are a mixture of business casual, casual and traditional.  Our main goal is that you feel welcome and comfortable on your visit here.

Am I Expected to Participate in the Offering?

No.  We don’t invite you to Calvary for your offering.   We want our service to be gift to you.  We hope you will find this place to have a warm family spirit where truth from God’s Word is heard.  We pray that you will find Calvary to be a place where you can grow in God’s grace.  Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-20

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30 am.