God Almighty - Isaiah 40:26, 28

Aug 21, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

One of the prevailing truths of the Holy Scriptures is the ALL-POWERFUL nature of our God. There are two basic areas of the Universe that the Omnipotence of our God shows up the most: THE REALM OF NATURE and THE REALM OF MAN.
In the realms of nature, we know if the earth were tilted one degree less, then it would change the probability of life on this planet. If the earth were slightly closer to the sun it would change the evaporation and freezing rates of this planet making it less likely that life as we know it on earth could exist. If the earth’s atmosphere were thinner, we would have very short life expectancies. We would be fried and baked. If we were near a different star: A younger star, an older star, a red star or a red giant. Life on earth would be totally impossible.
Scientists discovered the anthropic principle in 1993. It refers to the fact that in the whole universe our planet is the only place life as we know it can exist. Carbon based life can only exist here.
In the realms of Man, we can see the omnipotent hand of God. Scientists calculate that there are 400 billion, billion stars in the universe. But did you know that there are more connections inside your head called synapse (connections of neurons) than there are stars in the universe. That means there is enough potential within the human mind to know every star. There are numerous other natural evidence that point out our Intelligent and Omnipotent Creator. We are made by an all knowing and all-powerful God.
From the Word of God join me in worshipping our God. He who is by His very name is the ALMIGHTY, the ALL POWERFUL and the OMNIPOTENT GOD.