Prescription for Power - Ephesians 6

Mar 6, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to go to the pastor and have him write out a prescription to heal our spiritual and social problems? I know it would be wonderful, but God never designed it to work that way. But when I read the pages of Scripture, I do find a general prescription that God gave us for spiritual power. It has been with us for millenniums, but few ever get it filled. I think of Naaman. He was a Syrian General who had leprosy. The prophet of God gave Naaman a simple prescription for health. “Go to the river Jordan and wash yourself seven times and you will be healed.” But Naaman wanted an instant healing. He expected Elisha to say some words and wave his hands and the leprosy would disappear. God gave a prescription and Naaman almost missed getting healed, because he wasn’t going to do what he was told. So, it is with many of us. God has given a prescription in Scripture for spiritual power and health, but many fail to fill it.