Greater than A.I.

Jun 11, 2023    Dr. Craig P. Scott

Fear is a common commodity in our day. Fear of war. Fear of another virus outbreaking globally. Fear of an economic downturn. Fear of another mass shooting. Fear of an

overreaching government. Fear of UFO’s, Health fear over resent fires in Canada and so on goes the list. Every day it seems there is something new to fear.

A growing new fear is the emergence of AI. Not that we need any help. Movies like Space Odyssey, Robo Cop, iRobot, Six Terminator Movies, and the Avengers: Age of Ultron are to name a few exploit our fears in this area. So, let's pause for the next few minutes at consider this in view of Scripture and our faith. As omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent as A.I. may appear it is still confined to this world. As sentient as it maybe become, it is still limited to this universe. As godlike as its attributes may appear to men it will never rise above the confines of creation. There is not need to fear. Our LORD is still on the throne.