God is Merciful and Gracious - Ex 34:1-10

Mar 22, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

The sheer fact that Exodus 34 exists is proof that God is a God of mercy. This is the second time God met Moses on the mountain to make a covenant with the people of Israel. When Moses came down from the mountain the first time, the people had fallen in love with the works of their own hands. They were worshiping a golden calf. Instead of resting in the value of God, the people became restless and craved the value of their own workmanship. They exchanged the glory of the invisible God for the image of their own glory—a golden cow. But here we are again on the mountain awaiting the revelation of God. The people who should have been destroy, have not been destroyed. The sheer fact of this meeting is proof that God is merciful. Even more amazing, God now reveals more about His glorious name, that is, "He is merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin."