Woman with a Bad Husband but a Good Son - 2 Chronicles 29:1

May 8, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

Today, we are going to focus on the wife of King Ahaz. Her name is Abi and her son’s name is, Hezekiah. Abi married a man who did not regard the LORD. He in fact turned many in the nation of Judah away from the LORD. In this setting, we find this woman raising a godly son.
In this message we will find that life is not a hallmark movie. It is messy and at times very cruel. Abi married a prince who turned out to be a beast. He engaged in dark pagan rituals resulting in the nation being delivered into the hands of Syria. Because of his apostasy, over 120,000 men were killed in one day and it seems that Abi lost a son in that battle. This was a very dark time in her life, but she kept her eyes on the LORD.