Storm Clouds in Heaven - Rev. 4

Jan 24, 2021    Dr. Craig P. Scott

As we come to the 4th chapter of Revelation we come to the brink of the third division of the book.
Revelation 1:19 gives us the three sections: The Things Which Thou Hast Seen (Rev. 1:1-20); The things which are (Rev. 2:1-3:22); The things which shall be hereafter (Rev. 4:1f). Notice the “After this” in Rev. 4:1 it is a shift in the events. This signals to us that John is about to see events that are to come. This is a future scene that will take place after the Church has finished its course and has been removed from the world. The scene opens up with John being brought before the Supreme Headquarters of heaven! What John first saw dominates everything else in this scene.