When Is This Going to Happen? - Rev. 6a

Feb 7, 2021    Dr. Craig P. Scott

The letters to the seven churches end with the church of Laodicea. It was a church where Christ was no longer welcomed. I am going to be blunt. This is the age in which I believe we live. An age where multitudes of churches are accepting gay marriages, abortion, euthanasia, gay and transvestite priests and pastors. An age where the Word of God is being feminized, stripped of its content and trampled upon. It is an age that is exchanging the incorruptible God into a god of their vain imaginations. Many within the "church" are remaking the Word of God into a gospel of sensual fantasies. It is a church without God, without truth, without grace, without hope and without life. So, where do we go from here except to the darkest pits of hell and to the bottomless evils of human and demonic depravity. BUT the good news is what is seen next in the book of Revelation.