The Seven Seals - Rev. 6b

Feb 14, 2021    Dr. Craig P. Scott

The Bible teaches that the earth is headed toward a worldwide, cataclysmic event the battle of Armageddon [Rev. 16:14-16]. While many seek for peace and unity, in reality the earth is deteriorating into a world of chaos, confusion and sin. As Christ’s second coming draws nigh, wars, crimes, economic upheavals and unprecedented natural disasters [Matt. 24:6-8] will escalate. All these things will mark the unfolding of God’s wrath on a sinful, rebellious world [Jer. 30:7-Jews; Isa. 34:1-4-Gentiles].
Starting in chapter 6, the scene changes from heaven to earth. The Lamb now begins to open the seven-sealed scroll given to Him by the Father. This marks the beginning of God’s wrath and judgment on an unbelieving world [Rev. 3:10]. Although victory was won at the cross, Jesus is ready to take back creation from the usurper, Satan.