Living On Borrowed Time - Luke 13

Dec 5, 2021    Dr. Craig P. Scott

We live in an era unlike any other time in history. It is an era in which the media provides instant mass communication. It keeps people in touch with what’s happening all over the world. With it comes the relentless ocean of detailed information, pictures, and videos. They flood our TV screens, computer monitors, and cell phones.
Deadly natural disasters such as earthquakes in Mexico, Chili, China, or Japan. Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. Volcanic eruptions in Iceland. They track hurricanes along the eastern seaboard and gulf coast of the United States. Typhoons in Asia, wild fires in Australia, avalanches in Europe, pandemics in the third world countries, famines in Africa, as well as man-made disasters, such as wars, terrorism, genocide, crimes, riots, and accidents.
They flood our senses. It causes people everywhere to experience vicariously all the pain, suffering, and death those catastrophes bring.
These punctuate the point that life on this fallen, sin-cursed planet is filled with trouble, sorrow, pain, and suffering.
This leads us to the context of our passage in Luke 13:1-9 where Christ reminds his audience of a recent disaster and then turns their attention to life’s real peril.