The Coming Apocalyse - Part Two - Zechariah 13

Mar 30, 2022    Dr. Craig Scott & Craig Akins

TheBook of Zachariahis filled with anumber of amazing Messianic prophecies. Some of which havealready come to pass while others are yet to come. Last week we looked at Zechariah 12. It is the first of three chapters known as Zechariah’s Little Apocalypse. Inthese three chapters the prophet describes in stunning detail Israel’s plight in the final months and days of the Tribulation period.
Chapter 12 opened with thecampaign of the of Armageddondepicting the world’s armies gathering against Jerusalem. In it we saw Israel fighting the Antichrist and the world’sarmies on two fronts. One in Jerusalem and the other in Petra. The chapter ended with Israel recognizing their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah and turn to Him. In this message we will see Israel’s response to embracing the LORD and the awfuldestruction that befalls Israel in the moments leading up to the Lord’s Second Coming.