The Great and Final Reset - 1 Thessalonians 5

Jun 8, 2022    Dr. Craig Scott & Craig Akins

There is a great reset coming. No, not the one proposed by Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum and the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, The Network Of Global Future Councils, The United Nations, and the one being plan this week by world leaders in Davos, Switzerland. Their idea of a global reset is to remake all things (economics, business, education, government, environment, population, human development, religion, and family) after their utopian view.
No, the global reset I am talking about is the one that God will bring about when He sets up His throne. In that day He will bring an end to sin and replace it with His righteousness and peace.
Today we will be talking about the coming Day of the Lord and how we are to conduct ourselves until that time arrives.