Sexual Purity - 1 Thessalonians 4

Jul 6, 2022    Dr. Craig Scott & Craig Akins

I would like to return briefly to 1 Thessalonians chapter four before we closeout our series on Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. For in this section, we will enlarge on our former discussion on sexual purity.
It was an important subject then (in the sexually over simulated city of Thessalonica), and is equally important in our day, as the western world openly returns to the pagan influences of the past. This involves the turning away from God’s design to the new morality. It is a morality that embraces unlawful pleasures and an unbiblical form of social ethics which leads to unnatural sexual pleasures in order to make oneself feel energized and alive.
In this discussion we will explore what God’s word says about this sensitive subject.