Light In a Dark World - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

May 25, 2022    Dr. Craig Scott & Craig Akins

There are countless ideologies and/or philosophies that are constantly vying for our attention and more importantly, they are vying for our soul. Our airways are filled with self-help books, conferences, personal coaching, and YouTube lessons on every flavor of spirituality, and lifestyle choices. They are the sirens of the world wooing the unsuspecting souls to change course and follow them.
It was no different in the apostle Paul’s day – (minus the airways and Internet). His world abounded with pagan thought and religious piety of all sorts. If one flavor of thought didn’t entice, then maybe the next one would. Priest’s, magicians, religious zealots, philosophers, clairvoyance, palm readers, and mystics supported by an entire industry promising success or pleasure abounded in the ancient world.
How does someone penetrate this dark cloud of man-centered fulfillment with the truth of the gospel? How did the Apostle Paul penetrate this darkness in his day? Several words open our study this evening that seem to answer our question. They are Power, Contention, and Godly Conduct.