Christ Crucified - 1 Corinthians 2:1-8

Jun 19, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

I cannot think of anything so dreadful than to go through life thinking you're saved and then finding yourself waking up in the eternal fiery furnace of hell. So many people believe they are saved because they performed some kind of ritual, or because they walked an aisle, or they prayed a prayer of some sort with someone, but they never genuinely committed their lives to Christ.
1) The cross emphasizes the wickedness, the corruption, the vileness of the human heart. For wicked men rejected their only hope of eternal redemption when they cried, “Away with Him, away with Him; crucify Him!” This sad chapter of human history illustrates mans sinfulness. Mankind is capable and guilty of awful crimes. 2) The cross emphasizes the love of God. He so loved the world, even when we nailed His Son to the cross. God, in His infinite love for sinners, made Jesus an offering for sin. 3) The cross became the symbol of shame, but it also became the great altar where the Supreme offering for our sin was made.