The Gift of Tongues - Acts 2; 1 Corinthians 13:8-14:39

Nov 27, 2022    Dr. Craig P. Scott

The phenomena of Tongues (speaking or understanding of an unlearned language) shows up for the first time in Acts 2. It is the reversal of what occurred some 2200 years before at the tower of Babel. In Genesis 11 the world then spoke one language, but were in rebellion against God. In judgment God confused the language and the people were scattered through-out the world.

Acts 2 records the phenomenal event where those disciples of Christ waiting in the upper room were suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and supernaturally enabled to speak or be heard in the various native languages of those gathered at the feast of Pentecost. Scripture says because of this outbreak those that heard were able to learn of the “wonderful works of God.” Every time we find the appearances of tongues in the book of Acts it is always people speaking or being heard in a known language.